And all this because he unwittingly let a canary loose from its cage. Yes, that canary flits around his head even now, pecking and pecking, trying to find even the slightest weakness. It won't hold; he is perfect.

— Tales of Prima Vista,
Act 10: Drama.
Graduation is near. No, not mine, I'm planning to graduate in April 2013. I'm such a dumb to let my school life ruined at second year due to my hospitalization, at least I'm still alive. And by the way, it's my friend's.

We're gank of six. Actually seven, but one dropped out two years ago. Still keep in touch, thought. In this six, one is male and one of the five girls don't live in the same dorm. I'm within the four. All of us go to art faculty in the same uni. I can say we've been friends for quite a long time, four years or more. And also, being so close to each other like siblings and do things together, family that I have in the town I live for study, far from my hometown.

Nearest graduation date is on July. Two of this six people will graduate, go back to their hometown or continue to study abroad, get a job and so on. Apparently they plan not to go back to this town. So, well... You know where this talk would go to.

Live does goes on, but sometimes I think I need a pause button because things went too fast. It feels like I'm not ready yet to see what the future holds. I don't want to grow up. More likely I'm afraid to grow up. Adult life is scary for me. Too many responsibility to hold, and I don't think I'm ready to hold the burden. And most thing I'm afraid for being a grown up is losing everyone I had have. Like, these two friends, I don't think it will be easy for us to meet again. Facebook and Twitter wouldn't help much. And there will be someday, that we will start to forget each other.

Today, one of the two who will graduate soon contacts us to gather, he plans to treat all the dinner. Seems like it will be a sad conversation allover...